
The Spirited Sundowner


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  • Age:
    14 years, 14 years
  • Region:
    Barbados, Speyside
  • Cask:
    Refill Barrel, Refill butt


Just in time for the warm weather, enjoy two seasonally sublime drams side by side in The Spirited Sundowner! This very first rum & whisky bundle invites curious palates to compare and contrast 14-year-old drams from Barbados and Speyside as rum meets whisky for a unique juxtaposition of styles. Cask R6.1 At the races entices the senses with island character of tropical fruit, leather and spice while Cask 73.78 Zingy, effervescent and intriguing offers up a summery array of berry fruits, cabinet spice and spicy oak. Learning the similarities and celebrating the differences in these casks should prove a tasty task best performed while the sun is setting on a beautiful day.

RumCask No. R6.1 - At the races
Date distilled: October 2002
Cask: Refill barrel
Age: 14 years
Alcohol: 57.3%
Region: Barbados

Young & spritely Cask No. 73.78 - Zingy, effervescent and intriguing
Date distilled: September 2001
Cask: Refill butt
Age: 14 years
Alcohol: 57.6%
Region: Speyside, Deveron